德莎胶带(上海)有限公司 Tesa Tape (Shanghai) Co Ltd Wuhan Office

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德莎胶带(上海)有限公司 Tesa Tape (Shanghai) Co Ltd Wuhan Office

德莎胶带(上海)有限公司隶属于德国拜尔斯道夫集团,拜尔斯道夫集团成立于1882年,总部设于德国汉堡。德莎是世界著名的工业及民用粘胶带供应商,拥有最领先的粘结剂技术。因在华业务的迅速成长,我公司诚聘人员加盟本公司:If you think you have what it takes to contribute to our growth and success, we would like to hear from you. Please send your resume in Chinese and English with recent photo, expected salary and daytime contact telephone number to us.